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Leveraging our 30+ years of experience in advanced technology and our growing expertise in AI, we offer a large-scale, normalized data framework to compare and value companies with consistent, accurate results.

Our research is founded on the enduring principles of value creation and fundamental investing. Even in an efficient market, mispricings occur.

Patient investors can profit from these moments.

Omaha’s data normalization process is rigorous and extensive. We tackle important issues like inflation, one-time charges, mergers and acquisitions, asset write-downs, and off-balance sheet investments like R&D, advertising, and human capital. Our technology liberates PMs and analysts to focus on identifying important trends, changing expectations, and delivering actionable insights and solutions.​

Some steps of Omaha's normalization process

Background Images

Intangible Assets

Inflation Adjustments

M&A Adjustments



Exceptional Items

Minorities & Associates

Convertible Debt

Off-Balance Sheet Items


Depreciation Adjustments

Invisible Capital Adjustments

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